Product Knowledge of Toilet

Product Knowledge of Toilet

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A Toilet Supplier's Saying – The Quality of Toilet

Product Knowledge of Toilet Jessica Liang

In the previous piece, we delved into the production cities of Chinese toilets. If you interested, you can click here to read more. This time, let's discuss how an excellent toilet is manufactured as a manufacturer and supplier of toilets.

Smart Toilet Production Line

Smart Toilet Production Line

1. Toilet quality is generally categorized into three grades:

Premium: The embryo is almost perfect in its formation, with a smooth and even glaze, free from any color deviations.

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SALLY Siphonic One Piece Premium Toilet

Qualified: There may be minor flaws or slight color deviations in areas that do not affect aesthetics or functionality, but it can still be used normally.

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Qualified Toilet

Defective: Cracks appear after formation, noticeable defects or color deviations on the front surface, which hinder normal use.

4.Defective Toilet.jpg

Defective Toilet

2. The Raw Materials for Toilet Bodies

The primary raw material for toilet bodies is kaolin(a type of clay mineral), with high-grade kaolin costing up to six times more than low-grade kaolin!

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High-grade Kaolin

The difference in quality of kaolin directly affects the quality of the formed toilets and the yield of premium products.

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Low-grade Kaolin

Although not renowned for kaolin production, Chaozhou City in Guangdong province boasts the largest toilet industry chain and the best talent in bathroom ware production. With high-quality production kilns and skilled workers, it can produce cost-effective toilets. Therefore, many toilet manufacturing enterprises in China choose to establish factories in Chaozhou, Guangdong.


Chaozhou City

3. Firing Methods for Toilets

High-quality toilet ceramics are fired using high-temperature kiln production lines, with firing temperatures reaching up to 1280°C. This temperature is a standard in the toilet industry.

There are two types of fuels used for firing:

3.1 Natural gas, which can only reach a maximum firing temperature of 1200°C. The advantage is low cost, and natural gas can still produce premium-grade toilets.

The toilet is fired in a natural gas kiln.jpeg

The toilet is fired in a natural gas kiln

3.2 Gasoline, with a firing temperature that can reach 1280°C, has the advantage of producing toilets with a high yield of premium products. However, given the current gasoline prices, the cost is higher compared to natural gas. Additionally, it requires a set of high-quality firing equipment. Small factories or workshops cannot achieve this and lack the necessary conditions. The cost, relatively speaking, is also too high.

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The toilet is fired in a gasoline kiln

Therefore, high-quality toilet materials and production costs are not cheap.

If some toilet factories use low-grade kaolin raw materials with inferior equipment and natural gas for firing, the yield of premium products from this toilet manufacturer will be greatly reduced.

4. Handling Defective Toilets

If defective toilets are produced and cannot be recycled, what is the appropriate course of action?

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Smart Toilet Production Line

After the products are fired, workers will inspect and classify them into premium, qualified, and defective categories. Most toilet manufacturers will directly dispose of defective toilets.

A small minority of toilet manufacturers may manually repair defective toilets and then pass them off as premium products to the market. Repaired defective products look exactly like premium toilets. Although there is no difference in appearance from premium products, their lifespan may be compromised, and in severe cases, there may be safety hazards due to unstable toilet structures.

Before manual repair

Before manual repair

After manual repair

In summary, please trust that you get what you pay for. Products purchased at excessively low prices cannot guarantee quality and may even damage the reputation of retailers and brands.

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 Automatic Toilet Manufacturing

SALLY toilets are top sellers in regions such as the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Brazil. SALLY's toilet factory is located in Chaozhou, Guangdong, with over 20 years of experience in toilet manufacturing. Leveraging a robust local supply chain system, SALLY utilizes high-quality raw materials and advanced production lines to maximize the yield of premium toilets. Therefore, rest assured that we only sell premium-grade toilets.


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Marketing Assistant
Jessica Liang

I'm Jessica Liang, thrilled to join Sally Bathrooms. As a Marketing Assistant, I excel in copywriting, market analysis, and intelligence gathering. With rich writing experience, I craft compelling stories for products and brands. Through market analysis and intelligence gathering, I provide reliable decision-making support. I also collaborate with the sales team to achieve sales targets. Excited to contribute to Sally Bathrooms' growth!

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